The Plotting Function¶
The plot function is the callable which gets wrapped by a Session instance.
Any args and kwargs are allowed, and variables from outer scopes can be used, which can be transferred to the plotting process.
This limitation affects few objects we may want to use (dont use file descriptors or whole application instances). Notable is the Session instance itself, which is not usable inside the plotting function. It is also is not possible to pass in an already created plot/figure. Figures must be created inside the plotting function.
Plot function return values¶
Plot functions can return three different kinds of output. (The return value of the wrapped function is always None)
The plot won’t get a cursor, it will simply be shown. It won’t interact with the session (no real reason to use it).
Figure, Axes:
The plot will be interactive. The cursor will get added to the axes (axvline). Navigation will be enabled. The time of the audio clip will get mapped to the limits of the axes.
Figure, Axes, Dict:
To configure the plot, we can pass a dict with additional parameters.
Plot Parameters¶
Plot Parameters are passed via the return of the plotting function, in the form of a string indexed dict. If a key is present it will override the default value.
Simple Parameters¶
:The Title of the Window
Default: “Fig”
:The keyword arguments used to create the axvline
{"alpha": 0.9, "ls": '-', "color": 'r', "lw": 1, "zorder": 10}
:The position, where the window should open. (array like with two integers)
Default: None (matplotlib default)
:Linear interpolated mapping between, time in the audio playback and the x-axis position.
Two mapping types are available, a sparse mapping, containing pairs of times and corresponding positions and a dense mapping giving a time to each feature.
- Sparse mapping:
This mapping needs to be passed as a numpy array in the shape (n,2). Time and position values.
A Numpy array in the shape (n,2). e.g. [[time_0, pos_0], [time_1, pos_1], …, [time_n-1, pos_n-1]] Out of bounds values will get clamped. Time and position are required to rise STRONGLY monotonic! There is an alternative mapping in case every feature border has a time: A tuple in the form (1d numpy array of all feature border times, position of first element, position of last element)
Default: linear mapping from beginning to end
Advanced Parameters¶
:Function to convert the time (point in the audio) into a position (on the axes x-axis)
Default: function based on the mapping param
:Function to convert the position (on the axes x-axis) into a time in the audio
Default: function based on the mapping param
:List of matplotlib artists to animate. Requires the param
to be set. Setting an element like a line here, allows faster updates, if the element is interactive. See the matplotlib documentation for more information about artists.
:Function that allows custom interactive elements. Requires the param
to be set. This function will get called once per frame with (time: float, pos: float, paused: bool). Here you can modify all the artists you defined in “artists”, to animate them. The function expects a bool for the return type, signaling if the artists should be redrawn.
:Setting this function disables the cursor and navigation. (the draw function still works) This function will get called once per frame (prior to draw_function) with (time: float, pos: float, paused: bool). It is meant to update time/pos and the paused state. The function is expected to return a tuple of the form (time/pos, paused). time/paused is the new value for either time or pos depending on the param “override_update_function_returns_pos”. paused is a bool describing the new paused state.
:Does the “override_update_function” return a position? Only used if “override_update_function” is defined.
True: “override_update_function” returns (pos, paused)
False: “override_update_function” returns (time, paused)
Default: False
See the examples (advanced) for use cases.