Getting Started¶
This module allows multiple interactive matplotlib plots to be created and synced to a piece of audio.
Minimal Example¶
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from playplot import Session
# crate a Session from the audio data (url not final)
session = Session.from_file("")
# decorate the plot function with the session
def plot(duration):
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot([0, duration])
ax.set_xlabel("number of files played")
ax.set_ylabel("time in seconds")
return fig, ax
# call the plot function, it will create the plot in another process
# start the session to enable audio playback
# Wait until all plots are closed (not necessary when running interactive)
# Check for potential exceptions in the other processes (not necessary when running interactive, an error msg will be displayed)
For more examples see the examples directory. More details are provided in the Readme.
How to wrap a plotting function¶
A plotting function can be wrapped with a decorator as seen in the minimal example, or we could wrap it manually. This is the option if the original function should be preserved, or is already defined.
def plot(*args,**kwargs):
session = Session(mono_audio_as_numpy_array, sampling_rate)
plot_wrapped = session(plot)
It is done simply by calling the Session instance with the function
Multiprocessing limitations¶
To be able to plot efficiently (in an interactive session at all), we need to use multiprocessing to run each plot in its own process. So we need to run our plotting functions in different processes. So the main process/thread does not block.
This is generally transparent to the user but it complicates things like exception handling.
It works well in interactive sessions like in a jupyter notebook. (The plots will be opened on the machine the kernel runs on)
For more details about limitation look at the documentation of Multiprocessing and Dill.
Creating Sessions¶
Multiple Sessions can be created. Each Session can have multiple plots (theoretically also none). All plots can come from the same or different plotting functions.
Sessions can either be created with a numpy array (mono or stereo) (Session constructor) or from a file with the help of soundfile (Session.from_file). The file can either be a file path or a http(s) url. The file will get streamed.
For more details about the Session see the api documentation.
Stopping a session will close all associated interactive plots, deleting a session stops the session on garbage collection.
User interaction¶
Navigation: Don’t be in pan or zoom mode and simply click (or drag) while pressing the left or right mouse button
Right mouse button will pause
Left mouse button will play
Play/Pause: Space, Enter, middle mouse button
Hide/Show cursor: c